Saturday, November 16, 2013

More Tartan

I had another opportunity to attend a little blogger event at Opry Mills mall, of which they showcased some products and gave us the deats on the sales for Black Friday.

Okay, so who of you actually shops on that day??? Personally, I avoid it cause it gets cray. I just stick to Cyber Monday!

 Met some local bloggers. ^_^
 Also, Romwe's having a little Thanksgiving gift you should check out!

12 lovely comments:

Holl JC said... [Reply]

That dress is just so pretty! x

Unknown said... [Reply]

Just amazing!!!! <3 Love this look so much *.*
Shadow Of Style

Sawatka said... [Reply]

Lovely outfit. I like purple and tartan a lot, so that's a perfect look for me :)

Unknown said... [Reply]

The collection looks so nice. I really like your outfit! :)

Maggie A

unitedcolorsofaggie said... [Reply]

Great look!!!Love the colors!!!

B said... [Reply]

I LOVE your shoes! Oh gosh the transparent heels are amazing <3

Have a lovely day, <3

Boonya -

Unknown said... [Reply]

cool look, love your jacket!

Johanna said... [Reply]

Oh my God, how cute is that look!!! :) I absolutely love your style, doll! ♥

Unknown said... [Reply]

I loved your outfit, especially the belted coat!

It was great meeting you at the event, and I appreciate your advice to a new blogger!


Unknown said... [Reply]

I loved your outfit, especially the belted coat!

It was great meeting you at the event, and I appreciate your advice to a new blogger!


Kylie R. said... [Reply]

So beautiful! Loving the tartan.

Jessica @ Here&Now said... [Reply]

You are too cute! Never enough plaid & I love the socks + booties!


Enter my Gigi New York tote giveaway!